D.I.Y. Duck | Animation Short Review

It’s hard for me to describe exactly how excited I was when I learned that Disney made a brand new animation short of Donald Duck, but I’m going to try.

When I was a kid, I watched everything that I could. My family was never a big Mickey Mouse household, but I loved Donald and Goofy. They were hands down my favorite. We were lucky enough to have a lot of those VHS tapes in the 1990s, so I wore them out!

I don’t really know what it is about Donald Duck that I loved so much as a kid, but I thought he was the funniest. I remember being bummed out that he wasn’t in DuckTales more than he was.

So, when I watched the new short, D.I.Y. Duck, for the first time, it felt right. I felt that they nailed everything that I loved about the character when I was a kid. It’s so funny and the animation is terrific!

Thankfully, Disney also released a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the short. I really liked it as well. It’s unfortunately pretty short, but there were some interesting facts in there. I loved the fact that it was all hand-drawn animation, but they used modern technology to boost the hand-drawn animation where necessary.

The length of time that it took to make this short absolutely blew me away. It’s wild to me that it took so long for a company with the resources that Disney has to make a short like this. Still, I’m so glad that we got it.

It was the 90th anniversary for Donald Duck. That is incredible.

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