
About me

Hi. I’m Phil. I live in the Kansas City area. I’ve started a few blogs in my time, but I’ve always lacked the conviction to keep it going beyond the initial few days. I hope to make Galactic Rambler a place where I can talk about the things that I’m enjoying whether they are books, comics, shows, movies, games, music, or whatever.

One thing you will notice about my writing is that I prefer to talk more about the things that I enjoy. I won’t sit here and act like the majority of my review will be hyper-critical of what I’m reading or watching. I don’t have a lot of spare time, so I try to focus on things that I like. You will notice that there are a lot of Star Wars and superhero-adjacent things that I write about, because those are my main areas of enjoyment. I do branch out when I’m able to, and I’m always willing to read or watch anything.

If you are looking for negativity, please find one of the many tiny men of hate on YouTube.