Star Trek: Discovery: The Final Season | TV Review

I had a great time with the final season of Star Trek: Discovery, and I hope people will remember the show fondly. In the final season that felt the most Trek-y of all of them, I do have one big complaint.

I’m just going to get my complaint out of the way right at the top. I reviewed several of the episodes throughout the season, so you can go back and read those if you want to. I’m sure I mentioned it at some point in one of those reviews, but this season was a real letdown for me personally as someone who really liked the whole ensemble that they had put together for the crew of the Discovery.

I know that people in the cast had other commitments during filming and that this was not originally planned to be the final season; however, it was always a bummer to cut back to the bridge and not see familiar faces. Sure, I thought the cast that was in the bulk of the season did a really good job. I have no complaints about their performances. I just missed Detmer, Owosekun, and Nilsson.

Then, Doug Jones had to go off to make Hocus Pocus 2 and be reduced this season. That really sucked. Throughout the first four seasons of the show, Saru brought the moral conscience to everything the crew did. I really enjoyed his character, and it was such a bummer that he had to miss the majority of the season. I am happy that I got to come back and play a big part in the finale. Plus, he was given a happy ending, and who can complain about that?

I thoroughly enjoyed the race for the Progenitor technology. It felt very “Trek” to me. The backstory of L’ak and Moll was probably my favorite part of the season, honestly. Weaving that into finally learning more about the Breen was excellent. Getting a lot more detail on an alien race that we don’t know a lot about at this point was fantastic storytelling.

At the end of the day, I enjoyed Star Trek: Discovery, and I’ll be sad to see it go. However, I’m excited for what’s next in the world of Star Trek!

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