Comic · Marvel · Star Wars

Marvel’s Star Wars: The High Republic #7 (Phase III) | Comic Review

The end of The High Republic publishing initiative is in sight. That doesn’t mean Marvel is taking their foot off the gas in Star Wars: The High Republic # 7 (Phase III). Far from it…

Use a child as bait for the Nihil? That’s right up Lourna Dee’s alley, and now the Jedi have a leg up on the Nihil thanks to their awkward alliance with the former Tempest Runner.

While I am interested in the story involving the Yacombe child, the more interesting tale involves the tumult inside Sskeer, Keeve Trennis, Ceret, and Terec. I’m not convinced any of them will remain with the Jedi Order at the end of this war. Interesting times.

Also, I can’t wait to learn what is up with Tey Sirrek. Like… What’s he doing here? What’s he been up to all these years with this ancient Sith gauntlet/weapon that he claims to have mastered. I really liked Tey in Phase II, so I can’t wait to learn more.

Marika Cresta, once again, delivering some just outstanding artwork here. I love the way Sskeer is drawn throughout, and the one panel with the Nameless crashing through the floor is frightening.

I’ve really enjoyed these main line comics from Marvel set in the High Republic. I believe there are only 3 left, and I just know that this crew will make them count

You can pick up this comic here.

Comic: Star Wars: The High Republic # 7 (Phase III)

Publisher: Marvel

Writer: Cavan Scott

Artists: Marika Cresta

Colorist: Jim Campbell

Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher

Cover Artist: Phil Noto

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