Comic · DC

Wonder Woman: The Adventures of Young Diana | Comic Review

I have been enjoying these YA books from DC Comics, so I was excited when I got the opportunity to check out Wonder Woman: The Adventures of Young Diana from Jordie Bellaire and Paulina Ganucheau.

The book follows a “teenage” Diana on some adventures in Themyscira. She’s questioning whether or not the crown is even what she truly wants in life, and her mother Hippolyta is none too pleased.

Diana finds her proposed internship with Clio to be a boring one; however, adventure awaits for Diana to discover missing knowledge of a darker part of Themyscira’s past. What has Hippolyta and the other elder Amazons been hiding for all of these years? What is this dark past? (CW: implied sexual assault) Also, what happens when Diana runs into Persephone, Hades’ wife?

The subtle references throughout make me feel in this version of the DC universe, Hippolyta and Philippus are a couple which always makes me happy.

I really liked Ganucheau’s artwork throughout the book. She managed to catch the whisky and mythic aspects of Themyscira while simultaneously making the characters full of expressions at all times. It’s fantastic.

This was a fun book, and it’s wholly appropriate for all ages while not feeling like only a book for kids. (However, I will reiterate that there’s nothing wrong with that.) I think I might get this for my stepdaughter.

Thank you Netgalley and DC Comics for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

You can pick up the book here.

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