
Lula | Book Review

As I dip my toes into more political non-fiction, I got excited when the opportunity to read Lula by Fernando Morais came around.

What I’ve known over the years about Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (“Lula”) has been entirely based on what I’ve very briefly read about him but mostly have heard people say about him and his politics. I enjoyed how the book went into his past and what made him the man he is today.

It was very informative as to how events in his life shaped his politics over the years and led us back to his winning the Presidency recently.

That said, this book was strange. The chapter titles felt like they were written by someone just slapping sentence fragments together, because they thought “The longer the better!”

As someone who knew few details of the hullabaloo around Lula’s rise, fall, and rise again, this book did a great job informing me. I would say, however, that the book didn’t deliver in giving me more information on Lula’s time as President.

Thank you Netgalley and Verso for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

You can pick up the book here.

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