Batman: Caped Crusader | TV Review

I’m one of the many millennials that grew up watching Batman: The Animated Series and fell in love. Yes, Kevin Conroy is my Batman/Bruce Wayne. With that said, oh my goodness Batman: Caped Crusader is an absolute banger of a show.

The animation looks amazing, the storytelling is fantastic, and the voice cast is top notch. It’s a very impressive show. In a year that gave us X-Men ’97, we are so very lucky to get this as well.

This will have spoilers, so don’t read further if you’re wanting to avoid them.

Bruce and Alfred

In the first episode, I was a tad weirded out when Bruce kept saying “Pennyworth” for Alfred. Then, it continued. And it continued. I watched the guys over at Heroes Reforged on YouTube, and one of them pointed it out as well. I was getting mad.

Then, I finally realized that this was building towards something. It may have taken until the final episode, but when Bruce breaks down and calls him “Alfred”, it was a cathartic moment. He knows he can’t do this alone and knows how much Alfred means to him. This was such a great moment in a series full of them.

Harvey Dent

Making Harvey so handsome was a great idea for this show. It made his gruesome turn into Two-Face later after the shift attack much more impactful. He wasn’t a strange color like a lot of Batman media do to his face, so his face was hard to look at.

This version of Two-Face wasn’t really evil, and I think it worked for this show. They went out of their way throughout this season to show that Harvey and Bruce were pals, so this was always going to hurt more.

(SPOILER) When Harvey gets shot and killed, I loved what they did with Batman. Because of Bruce’s relationship with Harvey, I honestly wasn’t sure what Bruce was going to do with the guy that killed Harvey. Bruce not killing him was a great indication of where he’ll be going in the future.

Jim Barbara Gordon and Batman

While most Batman properties out there focus on the relationship between Jim Gordon and Batman, this show has moved toward building the relationship between defense attorney Barbara Gordon (yeah, Jim’s daughter) and Batman.

It’s a different take from what we’re used to seeing, and it’s an interesting one. This Batman is different, and this relationship is a great example of why.

This show is great. Watch it!

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