
Cat Fight was a fun story that would be an even better movie | Comic Review

I recently got to enjoy the Cat Fight trade paperback from IDW Publishing. It was really fun story that, at the end of the day, I think could be an even better movie with the right casting.

Cat Fight follows master thief Felix Lamarr as he goes on a journey from being an independent burglar — in debt to the wrong people — to fighting against and alongisde his grandmother’s old thieving crew.

Felix’s grandmother Nana aka Kitty Midnight was an excellent thief and built one of the world’s best crews: The Kit Kat Crime Syndicate. They’re cat burglars. Get it? After Kitty is assassinated and the blame placed on Felix, goes on the run to survive, following old bread crews left by Nana. With mysteries and tempers rising, Felix must not only figure out who is behind everything, but he also has to figure out how to survive being attacked by “friend” and foe alike.

I will admit that I wasn’t a huge fan of the artwork at the beginning, but it grew with me throughout the story. By the end, I think it works with the story very well, and my appreciation for the style grew.

I did like the book, and I think you should check it out if you can. As I said in the opening, I think this story could be a great movie with the right casting. I would definitely watch it.

Thank you to NetGalley and IDW Publishing for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

You can pick up the comic here.

Comic: CatFight

Publisher: IDW Publishing

Writer: Andrew Wheeler

Artist: Ilias Kyriasis

Inks By: Auguste Kanakis

Colorist: Dennis Yatras

Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

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