
Do A Powerbomb! | Comic Review

When I saw the cover for Do A Powerbomb!, I was blown away. I was instantly drawn in as a wrestling fan, and I thought the art was great. I was excited.

The book tells the story of Lona Steelrose dealing with the accidental death of her mother, legendary wrestler Yua Steelrose in a match against her rival Cobrasun. Years later, Lona wants to become a professional wrestler; however, her father stands in her way.

After a visit from the “necromancer” Necroton, Lona teams up with Cobrasun to compete in an otherworldly year team tournament where the prize is the ability to bring someone back from the dead. Cobrasun, desperate to assuage his guilt from Yua’s death, tries to protect Lona throughout the tournament while watching her grow into a great wrestler.

Writer and artist Daniel Warren Johnson put together a fantastic book here for everyone. His ability to transfer wrestling moves into the page so well was a rewarding experience.

Mike Spicer’s colors also took the book to another level. This book is beautiful.

Do A Powerbomb! is an enjoyable book that I highly recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley and Image Comics for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

You can pick up the comic here.

Comic: Do A Powerbomb!

Publisher: Image Comics

Writer: Daniel Warren Johnson

Artist: Daniel Warren Johnson

Colorist: Mike Spicer

Letterer: Rus Wooton

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