The Church on Ruby Road was a great introduction to the new Doctor Who crew

I had to wait to watch the 2023 Doctor Who Christmas Special with the kid, so we got to a few days late. I’ll break the news to you now! She liked it so much that she wants to keep watching the show!

With this being Ncuti Gatwa’s first full episode as the Fifteenth Doctor combined with my limited experience in watching Doctor Who, I was excited to have Ncuti be my Doctor. His energy radiated off the screen throughout the episode, and his chemistry with Millie Gibson’s Ruby Sunday was electric. I thought Ruby was excellent throughout.

The goblins were simultaneously cute and creepy in a perfect way, and they were a fun way to introduce the new Doctor to the Disney+ audience.

The goblin ship was absolutely top tier. I was blown away by how good it looked, and I can’t wait to see more. I know Disney handed the BBC a big chunk of money to make the show bigger and better, and it looks like they put it to good use.

I cackled when they referenced “mavity”. I guess that’s going to continue to be a thing. A silly thing, but a fun thing.

Ruby Sunday and her family, I think, are going to be a fun addition. While I have only seen Rose Tyler’s family over the course of an entire season so far, you can just feel the love that Ruby shared with her adopted mother Carla and grandmother Cherry. Lulubelle is in good hands.

I’m excited for the future! The teaser for the season looks fun.

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