“The Giggle” takes Doctor Who into a historic new era

I jumped into Doctor Who with the first of these 60th Anniversary specials featuring the return of David Tennant and Catherine Tate. I was excited to kind of start this “new era” of the show with Ncuti Gatwa coming in as the Fifteenth Doctor, and I’ve enjoyed the first two specials. So, what about special number three where we were going to say goodbye to David and hello to Ncuti?

A blast!

I had so much fun with this episode. Tennant was his usual terrific self, and the supporting cast was great as well. Despite the hilaribad accent work, Neil Patrick Harris may have stolen the show. I thought he was excellent throughout. I particularly enjoyed him breaking down how the Doctor’s previous companions met their end, but nothing was quite as outstanding as the Spice Girls dance number.

As I’ve said previously, I don’t know much of the Doctor’s history, so the emotional punch of the history with the Toy Maker and the return of a previous companion in Mel wasn’t there for me. Tennant, however, was able to convey the emotion well enough for me.

The puppet/doll stuff was perfectly creepy to me, and I hated every second of it (in a good way). WHY are puppets/dolls so creepy?

(A quick LOL to the UNIT building essentially being Avengers Tower.)

I’ve watched some videos to learn about the Doctor’s regeneration history, so I thought something was off about the way Fourteen was on his way out. Then, we got the first ever bi-generation! The Fourteenth Doctor and Fifteenth Doctor come out of the regeneration and defeat the Toymaker.

Ncuti gonna be great. The energy and, quite frankly, “cool factor” that he’s going to bring to the series will hopefully help it grow to the next level.

I’ve read some people excited that Tenant is able to stick around while also concerned that his presence may overshadow Ncuti’s reign as the Doctor.

All I know is that I can’t wait for Ncuti’s first Christmas special

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