Dancing at the skating rink | Echo episode 3 review

I’ll kick off this review of episode 3 of Marvel’s Echo by saying that, well, it didn’t like this episode as much as the first two, I appreciate how it progressed the plot forward. The show really doesn’t waste any scenes. Everything feels purposeful.

This is the third episode in a row where I’ve really enjoyed the opening. This time, we’re in the 1800s following a Choctaw woman named Tuklo wants to be a Lighthorseman (essentially, police) like her father to help protect her people. It’s very clear to me now, that we’re seeing Maya’s ancestors in these opening flashbacks, showing how the power of the forest Choctaw has passed from generation to generation.

I wasn’t really enjoying the scene at the skating rink with Zane until Maya put Dragula by Rob Zombie up on full blast and started destroying people. That was fun. And, while episode 2 could have been your standard MCU show, episode 3 brought back the violent Marvel that episode 1 gave us. Like I said previously, this feels just like one of those old Netflix shows. The fight choreography was awesome.

I really like Maya’s relationship with her grandfather Skully. Graham Greene is a tremendous actor, and every scene he’s in is incredibly enjoyable.

Maya’s reunion with Bonnie (Devery Jacobs) left a lot to be desired for my taste. I feel like they missed the opportunity for a really emotional scene. Obviously, it happened in the midst of everything else that was going on at the skating rink, but it didn’t land for me, and I wanted more.

Interestingly enough, the actress who plays Bonnie is the person who voiced Kahhori in What If…? There’s no connection between the characters as they are part of a different nation; however, that’s a pretty cool connection.

The cliffhanger at the end of the episode sets everything up for what is looking like a big episode 4 potentially.

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