Maya and Kingpin revisit their past, plan futures | Echo episode 4 review

Episode 4 of Marvel’s Echo was full of tension and teased so much violence despite having none. Maya Lopez had two emotional reunions in the episode, and the acting was fantastic throughout.

The opening of this episode wasn’t as good as the prior three; however, seeing how Maya was involved with Kingpin and violence very early in her life explains a lot.

I really like the technology of giving her a contact that translates what Kingpin is saying into ASL. Will it work for everyone? Or is it only going to be for Kingpin with his ear piece part to translate her ASL into words? It was cool regardless.

Zero violence happened, but the dinner between Kingpin and Echo was so unsettling. The tension was so high. It was weird and creepy. The whole thing was uncomfortable and felt like it could blow up at any minute. Bravo.

The meeting between Maya and her grandmother Chula (Tantoo Cardinal) was outstanding, and everything I didn’t get from her and Bonnie. It was very raw and emotional. Honestly, it was just great acting from the pair.

I really like Alaqua Cox as Echo, and we all know how great Vincent D’Onofrio is as Kingpin. The secondary characters have all brought it as well in this show so far.

With two episodes left, I have to think that we’re going to get a showdown of some sore between Echo and Kingpin. It obviously won’t be the end of him, as I assume we’re going to get the street level Marvel characters in a big battle against Kingpin at some point down the road.

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