Halo’s second season continues to make the story better

I won’t sit here and act like I haven’t watched people online just hate season two of the Halo show. While I understood the hate that season one got, I can’t say that I agree at all with their opinion of the current season. The show is very enjoyable..

Episode 5 “Aleria” takes our heroes who survived the destruction of Reach to the planet Aleria as they look for Soren and Laera’s son Kessler. Master Chief is hurt. Kai is missing. Vannak is dead. Riz is severely injured and “won’t be the same”.

Reach has fallen. Our heroes are lost, hurt, and struggling for the path forward.

I’ve seen so many people complaining about the show state that they are so mad that John is not in his Master Chief armor more during the show. Pablo Shreiber running around fighting the Covenant without his full armor on isn’t working for some people.

And, I somewhat get it. Whenever I’m watching The Mandalorian part of me gets frustrated from time to time that I’m not able to look at Pedro Pascal more often. I understand that he’s very rarely in the suit on that show, and it’s mostly Brendan, Wayne and Latif Crowder playing that role that I see on the TV. So I’m not here to completely disregard their opinion.

However, I think letting the humanity in the Spartans come through has been a very good decision. Being able to see the pain on John and Riz as they’re coming to grips with injury, the loss of their teammates, and the betrayal of the UNSC has been a joy to watch.

I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea, but I really feel like the show is coming into its own right now and that excites me. I don’t need the show to be exactly like the video games. That’s not what I want from an adaptation like this. I want them to take some key characters, events, and other lore and turn it into a good show. I think they’re finally doing that.

John coming to grips with his feelings on the death of Vannak was a huge step forward for his character. They’re not just Spartans. They are people.

Look, there are three episodes left in the current season, and I can’t wait to see how the ends. It’s been a lot of fun

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