Halo’s “Thermopylae” didn’t work for me as much as I wanted

I was excited coming into the penultimate episode of Halo season two. At the end, I didn’t come away more enthusiastic for the finale than I was a week ago

“Thermopylae” just didn’t have “it”. I thought it was an enjoyable episode, but there was just something missing. I don’t even think I can tell you what that something was, but it just didn’t land as much as I wanted it to.

I will get my biggest sis appointment out of the way right now. I did not like what we got with Soren, Laera, and Kessler. I thought we were past this part for Soren, and he was all in for his son. It was disappointing to have Laera remind him that he is not a Spartan and that he is a father. I just didn’t like this. I hope they recover in the finale

I’m thrilled that John finally put back on the Master Chief armor. I am bummed that we didn’t get to see him fight in it. The only time we’ve seen him fight in the armor all season was the first little bit of the first episode. I explained my feelings on the Fall of Reach and how I was okay with him not being in the armor for that, but they really have to redeem themselves here. The finale has got to have Chief going all out.

Since I’m not a big Halo lore person, I don’t really know where they’re going with the story we got from Miranda Keyes, Halsey,and Kwan Ha. I’m sure everybody who has played through the game knows exactly what’s going on, but I have no idea. There’s an ancient civilization underneath this planet that the UNSC has taken over?

I am still excited for next week’s season 2 finale. I was hoping that I would come out of this episode really excited for next week, and that just didn’t come to pass. Here’s hoping next week’s episode is a great one!

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