What If Peter Quill just needed a friend?: Marvel’s What If…? episode 2 review

Peter shows up to Earth in Ego’s ship that we saw in Guardians II and begins to attack. That led to Mustache Man Howard Stark and Peggy Carter at PEGASUS calling on our Avengers of the 1980s. So, slowly but surely, they all show up: Hank Pym as Ant Man, Bill Foster as Goliath, King T’Chaka as Black Panther, Wendy Larson as Mar-Vell, and Bucky Larson as the Winter Soldier.

The interactions between our Avengers were fantastic. I loved their quips to each other, and it really felt like they had been together in battle before.

Like every other time that I’ve seen this on screen, Thor’s appearance was dope as hell. Thor has always been one of my favorites, and he delivered here.

Kurt Russell also delivered once again as Ego. I loved him in Guardians II, because he’s Kurt Russell. What’s not to love? He was delightfully creepy in his place, and his costume made me feel like he could fit right into Star Wars. I loved it.

Without getting too big into spoilers, the scene with young Hope Van Dyne dancing through the halls of PEGASUS singing Corey Hart’s “Never Surrender” was adorable. Her ability, as the only other young person, to relate to Peter and actually take to him is what solves the problem. Grieving kids just need someone to listen, y’all.

What If…? delivered again. Love this show.

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