What If Captain Carter Visited Pleasantville?: Marvel’s What If…? episode 5 review

One of the things I enjoy the most in these What If…? episodes is seeing the Avengers combinations in the different universes. For the universe featuring the main Captain Britain Peggy Carter, there is an interesting difference in the teams from the MCU group.

Captain Britain is joined by Iron Man, Black Widow, Thor, Hawkeye, and the Wasp. Hulk is not mentioned here, so I have to believe the swap was Wasp for Hulk.

When the Hydra Stomper showed up, it was obviously going to be Steve Rogers inside, and he sure looked sad and depressed here. Also, he’s been brainwashed by the Red Room! It explains the Black Widow tie-in for this episode.

I enjoyed Peggy confronting Secretary of State Bucky Barnes about this, and he replied with “We didn’t brief you on Bigfoot either.” in response to her questioning why she wasn’t told about the rumors that Steve was alive. Bucky then explained how he and Steve went in a two-man Hydra base destroying trip song the world before Steve went missing in South America.

Then, we visit Pleasantville. Well, a robot-filled version of a city that the Russians thought looked like a stereotypical American town in the 1950s. It reminded me of Pleasantville though. This sort of thing always creeps me out.

The half dozen assassins shooting at Black Widow from close range and missing was hilarious. When those same assassins then reenacted the cheesy Avengers show-motion scene in the beginning of Age of Ultron, I got another big laugh.

I did really like the Watcher not knowing immediately where Peggy got pulled through a portal

Fun episode. Maybe my least favorite of the season though?

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