What if Captain Britain went to the year 1602?: Marvel’s What If…? episode 8 review

It’s clear by now that they’re building up Captain Britain Peggy Carter to make the crossover from animation into live action. That will likely come in the eventual Avengers: Secret Wars movie currently scheduled for 2027. For now, Peggy jumped back to 1602 after being pulled back in time by Nick Fury and the Scarlet Witch.

Having a different version of Hela as a benevolent ruler was a nice touch for this time period, and we start with our Trickster god doing a play by his buddy Bill Shakespeare. We also got Steve Rogers, Scott Lang, and Bucky Barnes as Robin Hood and his Merry Men. Great stuff.

Peggy was brought through the portal to help as rifts are opening in time and disappearing people. This time, it was Queen Hela sent through the rift, leaving an angry Thor in charge. Pottery enlists the help of Tony Stark in using the Time Stone to find the “Forerunner”, another person who had time traveled and is causing the rifts to open by their presence.


The Forerunner was Steve Rogers from Avengers: Infinity War. I really liked the explanation here. That was fun. The episode ends with Peggy talking to Strange Supreme to set up the finale.

Heading into the final episode of the season, I have to say that I don’t think season two is as good as season one. There have been a few standout episodes — I really liked the Nebula and Kahhori episodes. –, but I feel that it is lacking compared to last season. I’m still enjoying it though!

As I said at the beginning, my assumption here is that we eventually get this Peggy Carter in the MCU films somehow. While it may only be for a single movie, I can’t wait.

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