The final season of Marvel’s What If…? has come and gone, ending the journey (for now) of the Multitversal Avengers. It was a fantastic journey that left something to be desired.
Like the other seasons of this show, there were some great episodes and some not so great ones. I loved that we got some continuation from a character created for this show in Kahhori and a new one created in Byrdie. That’s awesome.
Everything led to the big battle between the Multitversal Avengers and Uatu against the other Watchers. Obviously, the good team won, and that ends our journey in Marvel’s What If…?.
I didn’t love this season like the previous two.
This season had a few standout episodes for me like “What If… Agatha Went to Hollywood?” and “What If… the Red Guardian Stopped the Winter Soldier?”, but it otherwise didn’t hit the high bar that I set up for it.
I just feel like there’s some wasted potential. This is a site that could go on for a very long time.
My favorite episode was about Red Guardian and Winter Soldier.
I thought the episode “What If… the Red Guardian Stopped the Winter Soldier?” really nailed what I’m looking for out of a one-off episode in this series. Two characters with completely different personalities partnered up for an adventure.
This episode has me even more excited for Thunderbolts*.
So, is that really it?
They teased a lot of awesome looking variants in the final monologue from Uatu. Who knows if they ever come to fruition though. I think the possibility exists that this show returns in another 5-10 years once Marvel has been able to put their versions of the Fantastic Four and X-Men on the big screen. We shall see.