Comic · Star Wars

Marvel’s Star Wars: The High Republic #5 (Phase III) finally confronts Sskeer

The build so far in the Phase III comics from Marvel’s Star Wars: The High Republic has been about Keeve Trennis finding Master Sskeer.

When Keeve and Lourna Dee finally find Sskeer, he is in a dark place due to his Magrak Syndrome (a Trandoshan thing), and he fights the two of them. The artwork here is FANTASTIC. Sskeer looks like a terrifying monster until Keeve gets through to him. Then, he looks like the Sskeer that we remember from Phase I.

Come to find out, Sskeer is putting a young girl member of the Yacombe. Who is she?!? I’m interested to see how they tie this into that Sskeer has been up to. Was he just protecting her from the Nihil and Nameless, because she’s a Force user?

Elsewhere, the ever-changing dynamic between Ceret and Terec in their mind-bond. Their growth throughout the comic-run has been great.

HOWEVER! We also got to see the return of Tey Sirrek from Phase II! Sephis clearly can live for an extended time, as he’s been alive for like 150 years. Tey killed a Nameless, too!

In a shocking turn of events this week, Ario Anindito announced that this was his last book in The High Republic. He’s been here for a lot, so it’s sad for him to no longer be doing the art.

The story and artwork, as always, was absolutely top notch in this issue. They never disappoint.

You can pick up this comic here.

Comic: Star Wars: The High Republic # 5 (Phase III)

Publisher: Marvel

Writer: Cavan Scott

Artists: Ario Anindito, Marika Cresta, Mark Morales

Colorist: Jim Campbell

Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher

Cover Artist: Phil Noto

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