Site News

Maybe this will last (or die)

I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve written this exact same “first WordPress post.” Hell, I can’t even tell you the number of times that I’ve created and then deleted a blog.

Still, I persist in trying to make “fetch” happen. (*hat tip* Regina)

I’m going to post the most random nonsense here, but I wanted a way to shout out to those things that I’m reading, watching, or listening to. I’m not cool in the slightest, but maybe you’ll find something new for you in what I’m enjoying.

As for the name, I read/watch/listen to a lot of Star Wars, and I’m lame. It’s fine. We’ll get through this together.

I’ve never been great at “reviewing” things, but I love talking (to hear my own voice) and don’t think I’m terrible at translating that to a page. So let’s give it a go and see what happens.

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