Shōgun: “Abyss of Life” | TV Review

I was a ruined mess at the end of this week’s episode of Shōgun titled “Abyss of Life”. This was an absolutely heartbreaking episode, and it was perfect.

I don’t know how to talk about this episode without spoiling things, so let’s get to it: Hiromatsu commits seppuku after publicly disagreeing with and defying Toranaga in the meeting with the other vassals. He had his son Buntaro second him and remove his head.

Sitting there on the couch in front of my TV… I was shaken. Stunned. From Hiromatsu’s guts coming out to his head being removed and rolling right toward Toranaga… This was hard. It hurt. I really liked his character.

Then! The big reveal at the end from Toranaga to Mariko that he and Hiromatsu had, in fact, planned this to truck Ishido and everyone in Osaka that he was really planning on turning himself over for execution. My gods. Just a brutal reveal, but also made me glad that they weren’t mad at each other.

This episode was clearly seeing the stage for the next episode when Toranaga goes to Osaka, and it is turned “Crimson Sky”. I expect fireworks. And death. Lots and lots of death.

I maintain that week after week this is the best show on television. From the writing to the set design to the acting, everyone is operating at a peak level. It’s beautiful to see, and I can’t wait to see how this show is going to end. There are only two episodes left.

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