Comic · Star Wars

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III # 3 | Comic Review

At this point it feels like a broken record, but Daniel Jose Older and company have delivered another fantastic book with Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III # 3. I can’t speak highly enough about this crew and the comics that they have put out on a regular basis since February 2021.

The book picks up with Zeen Mrala and her “resurrected-from-the-void-lost-love-of-Zeen’s-life girl” Lula Talisola discussing what Lula did for the last year while dealing with amnesia and traveling the galaxy wearing Nihil armor. By the end, the Jedi are finalizing their plans to visit the same Nihil prison ship that Niv Drendow and Driggit Parse were headed toward at the end of Escape from Valo.

We also got a few guest appearances from Midnight Horizon‘s Svi’no Atchapat and Alys Ongwa alongside Sian Holy from the Trail of Shadows comic series.

The big moment at the end was very rewarding, and I’m so glad more of our Phase I characters (especially the kids!) have survived the year of the Nihil. I can’t wait to see where we’re headed with all these young adults as the Jedi and Republic’s war against the Nihil comes to an end m

This comic remains gorgeous. The art team of Harvey Tolibao, Kevin Tolibao, Nick Brokenshire, and Michael Atiyeh have delivered a beautiful book that enhances every aspect of Older’s story.

The High Republic Adventures continues to deliver week after week. It’s just a terrific book.

You can pick up the comic here.

Comic: Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III # 3

Publisher: Dark Horse

Writer: Daniel Jose Older

Artists: Harvey Tolibao, Nick Brokenshire

Colorist: Michael Atiyeh

Letterer: Comicraft’s Tyler Smith, Jimmy Betancourt

Cover Artist: Harvey Tolibao, Kevin Tolibao

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