Comic · Star Wars

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III # 7 | Comic Review

Don’t you worry! The crew behind Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III # 7 came out with another great book.

This book is the first to my knowledge to blend together the story being told in the Crash of Fate books with the main High Republic Adventures story. Crash and her crew are trying to figure out how to assassinate Marchion Ro.

Krix Kamerat has never been one of my favorite characters, and I was honestly hoping that we were done with him. He was bright back and is now a prominent feature of these books. So, is he going to be the one to kill Marchion?

The BIG NEWS from this book is that we’re totally getting at least an engagement before this series is finished. The conversations with Lula and then Zeen with Qort and Farzala were hilarious. We’re going to end up with a double proposal! I’m pumped.

The artwork in this book continued to be tremendous. I thought two particular panels really stood out as awesome: Zint and Lady Krevlin on digital page 6; Lula and Master Shko Emouk on digital page 14. Just gorgeous stuff.

Can’t wait to see how this series continues as we wind down the publishing initiative of The High Republic.

You can pick up the comic here.

Comic: Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III # 7

Publisher: Dark Horse

Writer: Daniel Jose Older

Artists: Harvey Tolibao, Le Beau Underworld, Elisabetta D’Amico

Colorist: Michael Atiyeh

Letterer: Comicraft’s Tyler Smith, Jimmy Betancourt

Cover Artist: Harvey Tolibao, Kevin Tolibao

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