Comic · Star Wars

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures: Saber for Hire #3 | Comic Review

Ty Yorrick finally pulled me back in with Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures: Saber for Hire # 3. I really enjoyed this issue, and it’s back in track for the big finale for me.

Ty’s abrasive nature hasn’t endeared me to this book, but I like her interactions with young Lene Kostana who, as I’ve talked about previously, will grow up to become the master of Sifo Dyas. Whether Ty wants to admit it or not, this maternal/protective instinct is a “problem” insomuch as it’s making her care about people again.

The B-plot with Drewen off to save Chancellor Soh’s son and his boyfriend looks to be the anchor to the finale. I’m honestly a little surprised it didn’t feature more heavily until now, but all’s well that ends well.

I think I agree with the guys over in the Star Wars Splash Page podcast about this book. In their latest episode, they both said that this book would be better as a single graphic novel, and I think that’s right. Like the Phase I series The Monster of Temple Peak, I wonder if this four issue series was planned as a graphic novel?

I’m excited to see this last book now though, so the series has been a success.

You can pick up the comic here.

Comic: Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures: Saber for Hire # 2

Publisher: Dark Horse

Writer: Cavan Scott

Artists: Rachael Stott

Colorist: Nicola Righi, Vita Efremova

Letterer: Comicraft’s Tyler Smith, Jimmy Betancourt

Cover Artist: Rachael Stott

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