Comic · Marvel · Star Wars

Marvel’s Star Wars: The High Republic #8 (Phase III) | Comic Review

Keeve Trennis, Sskeer, Lourna Dee, and company look to rescue a young Yacombe child from the treacherous grasp of Baron Boolan. Oh, the horrors that await.

Boolan, once a member of the Path of the Open Hand from Phase II of The High Republic, is a terrifying Ithorian who Marchion Ro has entrusted with making the Nameless more creepy and more deadly. He’s also experimenting on young Force sensitives to turn them into weapons for the marauders, hence the capture is the Yacombe girl.

Knowing that there are Nameless on board, our heroes decide that the boarding party will be Sskeer, Tey Sirrek, and Lourna Dee. Obviously, they run into trouble, and Dee going off script and planting explosives everywhere is, of course, part of the reason.

The book looks as great as all of these High Republic ones have. We’re truly living in a blessed time. The artwork continued to be outstanding. The visual of the Nameless in the tank that had been experimented on? Scary stuff.

We have known the fate of Keeve for some time now; however, we still have a few books remaining. I can’t wait to see how we get there.

I can’t believe there are only two books remaining in the main Marvel run of The High Republic. What a treasure.

You can pick up this comic here.

Comic: Star Wars: The High Republic # 8 (Phase III)

Publisher: Marvel

Writer: Cavan Scott

Artists: Jim Towe

Colorist: Jim Campbell

Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher

Cover Artist: Phil Noto

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