Comic · Marvel · Star Wars

Marvel’s Star Wars: The High Republic #9 (Phase III) | Comic Review

I’ve been really digging the Star Wars comics set during the High Republic Era. Cavan Scott and the company’s latest from Marvel, Star Wars: The High Republic # 9 continues this excellent trend.

The story of Marvel’s main story in the The High Republic Era chugs along. We’re almost done. I can’t believe it.

The attack on Baron Boolan’s hideout is partially successful. Our heroes rescue the young Yacombe girl that had been kidnapped; however, in the process they lose at least one of their own. One thing about the High Republic that I’ve loved is that they’ve never pulled their punches. If a character needs to die to progress the story, they do.

Honestly, I wasn’t expecting the death of Terec. I thought, “Surely, the twins have been through enough”, but nothing is ever enough for Cavan. This was sad. I figured Orbalin was the goner. Or Tey Sirrek would sacrifice himself.

An excellent job of creeping me out with the Nameless creator that was still fully moving around without its severed head. That was terrifying.

The twist at the end, making you think Sskeer went willingly with the Nihil, was excellent. I was legit mad for a little bit while reading.

What a great book. I can’t wait to see how it ends in the next and final book in the series.

You can pick up this comic here.

Comic: Star Wars: The High Republic # 9 (Phase III)

Publisher: Marvel

Writer: Cavan Scott

Artists: Laura Braga

Colorist: Jim Campbell

Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher

Cover Artist: Phil Noto

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