Comic · Star Wars

Marvel’s Star Wars: The High Republic #3 (Phase III) FINALLY gifts the Jedi an advantage

Cavan Scott and company have once again delivered a fantastic Star Wars comic with The High Republic # 3 (Phase III). In fact, let’s just be honest here: all of the High Republic comics continue to be fantastic. They are on a great run.

At the end of The High Republic # 2 (Phase III), we learned that everyone’s favorite Trandoshan Jedi Sskeer had survived and was behind the Nihil’s Stormwall wreaking havoc. However, like everyone else trapped behind the Stormwall, Sskeer is unreachable by the Jedi and the Republic without one of the Nihil path engines.

Fortune is smiling on Keeve Trennis on this day. Not only does she have (another) temporary-alliance with the Hutts and Lourna Dee in her sights, the Jedi cruiser Ataraxia has reappeared! Only this time, it’s in the service of Dee and fitted with a path engine! Will she get control of the ship and what will she do with it and/or Lourna.

This Phase III series is currently set to be the shortest run of the High Republic at only eight issues. While Scott and company aren’t trained with wrapping up the entire publishing initiative in the Marvel comics, they are likely to be tasked with giving our characters of Sskeer, Keeve Trennis, and Lourna Dee a fitting “ending”.

Through these first three books, you do get the feeling that things have progressed to a… Breaking point isn’t the best term but… to a breaking point for Keeve, Terec, and Ceret. We know that, at some point, Keeve will leave the Jedi Order and be memorialized in the Temple as one of the Lost Twenty. Will we see her get to that point in this series? Only time will tell.

You can pick up this comic here.

Comic: Star Wars: The High Republic # 3 (Phase III)

Publisher: Marvel

Writer: Cavan Scott

Artists: Jim Towe & Marika Cresta

Colorist: Jim Campbell

Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher

Cover Artist: Phil Noto

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