Comic · Marvel · Star Wars

Marvel’s Star Wars: The Acolyte: Kelnacca | Comic Review

With the news that Lucasfilm wasn’t renewing The Acolyte, I knew we would (unfortunately) be relying on the publishing world to continue the stories of those characters. The first of those is Star Wars: The Acolyte: Kelnacca. Let’s learn more about the Wookiee Jedi

One of the mysteries about Kelnacca before he met his fate was about the shaved parts of his head covered in tattoos. It was the first time that we’ve seen Wookiee with either of those things.

Well, good news! This comic set out to give us Kelnacca’s brief history with both of those.

The story is beautifully told, but to summarize, the tattoos are a tribute to a former padawan of his named Yarzion Vell. On Yarzion’s home planet, it was tradition to tattoo the name of your greatest teacher on your head.

After a rescue mission in which Yarzion is a hero, Kelnacca gets Yarzion’s name tattooed on his head when he learns the history of his culture. It’s a touching moment between the two.

Marika Cresta’s artwork is beautiful, and Jim Campbell’s colors, as always, bring that art to life. We have been very lucky to have such brilliant artists working on the High Republic comics for both Marvel and Dark Horse.

I really liked this book. When one of your main characters in a comic book doesn’t speak, It can be difficult to nail all the interactions surrounding that character that tell a thorough story. I think this crew nailed it.

You can pick up this comic here.

Comic: Star Wars: The Acolyte: Kelnacca

Publisher: Marvel

Writer: Cavan Scott

Artists: Marika Cresta

Colorist: Jim Campbell

Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher

Cover Artist: Phil Noto

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