Star Wars · TV

Star Wars: The Acolyte: “Teach/Corrupt” | TV Review

The Acolyte was billed as a mystery show. Week after week, it continues to live up to that billing with an almost ever-changing mystery that builds into the next one.

At this point, it’s clear to me that the main mystery of the show is “What happened on Brendok?” and not who is the Sith or who is the person killing Jedi. The whole first season of this show really hinges on what happened sixteen years ago, and it works. It totally works.

I’m going to talk about the three different stories happening in this episode.

Osha and Qimir

This was, by far, the most interesting parts of the episode to me. Osha’s gradual acceptance that sexy scary Qimir might be telling her the truth about everything was well played.

Everything in the water when he’s fully naked to win she pulls the lightsaber in him was spectacular.

However, I’m most intrigued by her putting on his helmet at the end. Do we know whether or not this helmet is possessed like Dark Momin’s? Could be an interesting take.

Mae and Sol

I was honestly really shocked by what happened here. The speed at which Sol discovers (to be fair, Bazil did it first) Mae switched places with Osha surprised me.

You know what else surprised me? Him stunning her, cutting off communications for her, and tying her up.

Finally, Sol is going to tell Mae exactly what happened in Brendok… Next week. Of course, but that’s ok. I can’t wait.


What is going on here? Why is Vernestra so cagey about this entire situation? I’ve seen a lot of speculation tonight about this, but I won’t go into that for fear of spoilers. It certainly feels like she knows something about Qimir that she’s not telling us, right?

I loved getting to see her lightsaber turn into the lightwhip to kill that one creature. It looked fantastic.

But, I’m concerned that Vernestra’s secret may be as big as anything else in this show.

I can’t wait for next week for what I assume will be another mostly-if-not-all flashback episode.

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