Star Wars · TV

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: “Identity Crisis” & “Point of No Return” | TV Review

The latest two episodes of Star Wars: The Bad Batch were a terrifying blend of constant fear and action. I’m here for it.

I love The Bad Batch. I think, once it’s all said and done, this might be my favorite animated Star Wars show. I know, I know. That’s a big proclamation. I think, if they stick the landing, it’s got a great shot at unseating Star Wars: Rebels.

The first episode, “Identity Crisis”, follows Emerie Karr, the other female clone that we know of, back on Mount Tantiss getting promoted to take Nala Se’s position as head of Hemlock’s cloning and Midichlorian project…


Emerie becomes more and more disillusioned with her work after seeing how they’re treating the kids. She’s 100% going to turn here in the end.

We learn that Hemlock’s clone assassin has tracked down Cid and “extracted” information from her. Oh brother. She’s not going to get some weird redemption, is she?

And look, “Point of No Return” brought the fight to Pabu from the Empire. Wrecker was incapacitated quickly, Hunter failed to capture an escape ship, and Crossfire missed the shot to put the tracker on the ship that took Omega after she gave herself up.

The second episode was an action-filled time, and it has brought us to the brink.

There are four episodes remaining in the season, and I legit don’t know how this show ends. I’m excited. I’m scared. The Bad Batch forever.

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