DC · Movies

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies is a quippy good time

I recently caught Superman/Batman: Public Enemies on Max, and I had a fun time watching it. You should check it out sometime when you can. Who doesn’t love Superman and Batman?

As I’ve said previously, I’m making my way through the DC Comics animated universe, and here’s where I’ve landed this time

What’s going on? Oh, you know, just Lex Luthor running for and winning the Presidency of the United States. No big deal!

This quips early to in between Superman and Batman were quite good. I could’ve honestly done with even more banter between the two.

When Lex announced the $1 billion bounty on Superman and all of the B-, C-, and D-list DC villains come out of the woodwork to try and collect, I laughed out of. Superman and Batman working together to defeat like 30 villains or whatever was so funny. That was a nice twist.

Of my notes that I took during this, notice really stands out beyond “this is fun”, and that’s true. I had a good time watching this.

I will say, however, that I do not understand why whoever made this movie was like “Every woman character needs the biggest boobs that you’ve ever seen.” It even became a joke late in the movie by young teenager (Toy Man?) and Power Girl. What are we even doing here?

Is the movie good? Not really! That’s a shame, but it’s also totally ok. I enjoyed watching it, and that’s all that really matters at the end of the day.

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