Books · Star Wars

Into The Dark is another Star Wars home run from Claudia Gray

Anytime Lucasfilm announces that Claudia Gray is set to pen a new Star Wars novel, everyone knows that something great is coming our way. As the third book in the new High Republic era of Star Wars following Charles Soule’s Light of the Jedi and Justina Ireland’s A Test of Courage, Gray had the responsibility… Continue reading Into The Dark is another Star Wars home run from Claudia Gray

Books · Star Wars

Claudia Gray remains the star of the Star Wars canon with Leia, Princess of Alderaan

It’s been more then forty years since George Lucas created one of cinema’s greatest icons in Princess Leia Organs. Since that time, dozens of authors have brought to life their own version of the Princess in Legends; however, nobody quite “gets” her like Claudia Gray.