
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Jennika–The Fifth Turtle | Comic Review

I enjoyed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Jennika–The Fifth Turtle even though I was completely lost at times. But, I have to admit, I was really only lost because of what’s inside my brain about TMNT

When I was a kid, I was such a massive fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I had clothes, toys, and video games. I watched the three live-action ’90s movies religiously. I loved the cartoon. I was hooked.

With that said, I never read any of the comics. I would see things every now and then, even as an adult, and be like “Whoa, that’s cool.” But I never went further than that. I don’t know why. I just never did.

So, admittedly, I was lost when I started reading this book. Sure, I’d heard of Jennika before; however, I didn’t really know anything about her. I was excited and prepared to learn all about her! Then, I smashed into a major roadblock.

Uh, Splinter is the leader of the Foot Clan?

Luckily, I did a quick search for the answer and was reading up on the Splinter vs. Shredder fight before I knew it.

Jennika is a cool character and different from the other turtles in that she came to her mutation later in life. Her story is inherently different from her “brothers”, because she isn’t related to them. They aren’t always around. She has to do most of this by herself.

Because this is a varied collection, the stories come from Tom Waltz, Brahm Revel and Ronda Pattison while the artwork is from Jodi Nishijima and Dave Wachter.

I need to go back and read more TMNT comics.

Thank you Netgalley and IDW Publishing for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

You can pick up the book here.

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