Marvel · TV

X-Men ’97 is awesome

We got the first two episodes of X-Men ’97 this week. Folks, the show is AWESOME! We’re so lucky to live in a time where they were able to make a continuation of X-Men: The Animated Series.

The show kicks off essentially where X-Men:TAS ended. A year has passed since Professor X has left Earth with the Shi’ar. The X-Men are dealing with the UN and the Friends of Humanity. Cyclops is in charge. Jean is pregnant. They defeat Trask, and Cyclops and Jean consider leaving.

Then, Magneto shows up with Charles’ will giving him complete control over the Xavier Institute, the X-Mansion, and the X-Men. Cyclops loses his mind. The UN shows up to arrest Magneto. All hell breaks loose.

Everything that happened at the UN with Magneto, X-Cutioner, the X-Men, and the Friends of Humanity was fantastic. Magneto’s speech after saving the members of the UN was great.

So, let’s talk briefly about the biggest plot point coming out of the show. X-Cutioner tried to shoot Magneto with a de-powering radiation blast, but Storm dives in front to protect him. Storm is now without her powers, and she leaves the X-Men at the end of the episode.

So, where do we go with one of Marvel’s most powerful mutants no longer having her powers? We’re going to go on an amazing journey with her as she regains those powers, and I can’t wait.

Oh yeah! A second Jean Grey shows up at the very end of the episode! Chaos!

The writing and animation on this show is so good.

This is the best version of the X-Men to ever appear in TV or movies. Yes, better than The Animated Series and better than all of the X-Men movies that Fox made.

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