Marvel · TV

X-Men ’97: “Motendo/Lifedeath – Part 1” | TV Review

This week’s episode of X-Men ’97 was a mixed bag for me. I thought it looked fantastic. There’s never been any doubt about that. But… Look, I’ll be honest. I hate one character in this episode.

The first part of this episode featured the return of Mojo the alien ruler of the Mojoverse. I hate Mojo. When I was doing my re-watch of X-Men: The Animated Series, I wanted to skip all of those episodes. It was all so barely watchable. I hated it.

It sucked that it occurred during a Jubilee episode! Jubilee is great, and I’m really digging Sunspot. I just hate Mojo. I don’t really know why to be honest with you. You’d think that it would be something that I’m really into, but it just didn’t work for me.

On the other hand, I am loving everything between Storm and Forge. Storm is a great character, and I can’t wait for the full transition of the X-Men into live-action. The sky is that limit.

Forge is a very interesting character in this story. Can he actually give Storm her powers back or is this just another trick from Mister Sinister? I lean toward him figuring out a way to get her powers back, especially with the reveal that the basic technology looks to be an early version of his work.

The show is really cool, and I can’t wait to see more. Every episode looks amazing, and you can tell they put in the work with every detail.

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