Violent Marvel is back | Echo episode 1 review

I haven’t been as down on the recent Marvel Cinematic Universe entries as some, because quite frankly, I like superheroes. With What If…? ending just recently, I’m very excited that I get to jump right into Echo!

I’ve been excited about Echo, because I enjoyed her appearances in the Hawkeye show. When I sat and watched “Chafa”, I was pleased. Before Hawkeye, I didn’t know about Echo as I’m not that deep into my Marvel comics; however, I was really intrigued by her character of Maya Lopez and was pumped when they announced her own show.

I forgot for a minute that the show was under the new Marvel Spotlight banner and was going to be more violent and bloody like the old Marvel shows on Netflix. And, boy, I was reminded very quickly when we saw how Maya lost her leg! Yikes!

I didn’t mind that the first 15-20 minutes of the episode were used to get us to the “present day”, including showing footage from Hawkeye… Which is fine, because that show came out more than two years ago now!

I was shocked at how quickly we saw Daredevil in the show, but I do like that it was part of the flashback and not a current day situation. The fight choreography in that scene was very reminiscent of the Netflix Daredevil show, and it was fantastic.

There’s only five episodes in the show, so I’m glad that we got the confirmation and episode one that Kingpin is in fact still alive. I can’t wait to see where the story is going. Echo and Kingpin will very clearly have a violent confrontation before the end.

Also: I want more Billy Jack and Biscuits.

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