David Tennant’s first season is fun | Doctor Who Series 2 review

When I jumped into watching Doctor Who with the 60th Anniversary Specials, I mentioned that everybody told me that I would like this show. Those same people also told me that David Tennant was the best Doctor. Now, after watching only one season with Tennant as the Doctor, I get it.

David Tennant is maybe perfect for this role? He manages to combine a quirkiness with a charisma that is just kind of off the charts for me. I know how his story “ends” due to the specials; however, I am really lucky how it’s beginning.

Obviously, I got to start this with the loss of Rose Tyler. Over two seasons, I’ve grown adore her, and I’m really sad knowing that she’s gone now. Billie Piper was a terrific companion to introduce me to the show. She helped me adjust to the transition between Christopher Ecclestone and David Tennant. Beyond that, her ability to convey the emotion of the show was terrific. I’m really going to miss her.

Bringing in Sarah Jane was a nice touch. I looked her up, and she appeared with four different doctors throughout the show’s history. That’s a great way to introduce new viewers to the history of Doctor Who and not just hear about it. Her presence makes all of that history feel more real to new viewers.

This season saw Mickey Smith get a redemption for me after him being annoying in the first season. I pumped my fist when he appeared in the season finale, and I enjoyed him throughout. Evolving from being a whiney character to being the confident hero at the end was a great arc for him. I’ll miss this version of Mickey.

As for the episodes, there were a few highlights this season including The Idiot’s Lanter, Fear Her, and the best of the season The Girl in the Fireplace. The episodes with the Cybermen were also a lot of fun. I liked how, like the Daleks, they’re super silly.

I’m going to miss Rose Tyler. I know she comes back in some form for a Christmas special at one point, but it’s time to move on to Catherine Tate as Donna Noble. Can’t wait to get through the third season.

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